If you need to find a registered financial adviser, IFA have a search function here. The second is at 540/1500, I’m not exactly sure on the purchase APR but I guess it’s somewhere between 16.99-25.99, with a minimum payment of 40 which, again, I pay every month and sometimes more.
paid off all of their student loans with the help u/Existentialidiot83 / Via . One is currently at 900/1500 with a purchase APR of 17.90 and a minimum payment of 25 which I pay every month and sometimes a bit more if I can.Diversify by holding funds, not individual securities. H/T: r/ABoringDystopia, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/facepalm. Note: Nothing in this subreddit is licensed advice. What should I invest in Diversify by holding different types of assets.
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